1. Why is email marketing important during the holiday season?

Holiday email marketing: The complete 2024 guide

The festive season is nearly upon us, and with it comes the golden opportunity for businesses to take advantage of powerful holiday email marketing.

As shoppers eagerly hunt for deals and gifts, your emails can be the magic wand that drives engagement and conversions through the roof.

This guide will walk you through the best practices for crafting compelling email content, designing eye-catching templates, and segmenting your audience for maximum impact. We will discuss how creative resources and high-quality print on demand services can elevate your campaigns and make this festive season your best yet.

Main takeaways from this article:

  • Holiday email marketing drives engagement, sales, and brand visibility during the festive season.

  • Effective holiday emails include promotional offers, appreciation notes, cart abandonment reminders, loyalty program specials, and interactive content.

  • Start campaigns early, segment your audience, create eye-catching templates, and ensure mobile optimization for better engagement.

  • Personalize content, use countdown timers, offer exclusive deals, and track key metrics to refine and improve email performance.

  • Use Gelato’s print on demand services to offer custom, locally produced gifts, ensuring fast delivery and memorable customer experiences during the holidays.

Why is email marketing important during the holiday season?

The holiday season is a time of joy, warmth, and a lot of holiday shopping! For businesses, it's one of the busiest periods, offering a golden opportunity to engage with customers and boost sales.

According to Campaign Monitor, email marketing accounts for 20% of holiday online sales, highlighting the significant impact a well-crafted email campaign can have on boosting your seasonal revenue.

During the holidays, people are seeking not just gifts but meaningful experiences. Email marketing lets businesses provide personalized recommendations and special offers, such as free shipping, forging deeper connections with their customers.

Amidst the festive hustle and bustle, consumers are inundated with choices. With regular email campaigns, brands can ensure that they remain at the forefront of their customers' minds when they make purchasing decisions.

Types of emails to send during the holiday shopping season

Various holiday email types

The holiday shopping season presents a multitude of opportunities for businesses to connect with their audience. With the right type of holiday email campaign, you can evoke festive feelings, drive sales, and build stronger relationships. Take a look at the breakdown of the various types of holiday marketing emails you can utilize during the festive time of the year.

1. Promotional emails

Promotional emails are essential during the holiday season. They directly drive sales by highlighting special offers, discounts, and festive deals. They keep your brand at the forefront of your customers' minds and can boost holiday revenue.

  • Sales & discounts: Announce holiday-specific offers, like "25% off everything for Black Friday!"

  • Bundle deals: Present holiday-themed bundles or packages to encourage more purchases.

  • Flash sales: Time-sensitive offers can create urgency and drive quick sales.

2. Appreciation emails

These emails are a fantastic way to express gratitude to loyal customers, build stronger relationships, and encourage repeat purchases during the holiday season. Show appreciation for loyal customers by offering special discounts and sending thank-you emails. Doing this can make your subscribers feel valued and more connected to your brand.

  • Thank you notes: A warm message thanking customers for their support throughout the year.

  • Year-in-review: Highlight achievements, share stories, or showcase testimonials from the past year.

3. Cart abandonment reminders

Cart abandonment reminders are crucial during the holiday season. They help recover potential lost sales by nudging customers to complete their purchases. These emails can effectively turn indecision into action with timely and compelling prompts.

  • Incentivize customers: Gently nudge customers who left items in their cart, maybe even offering a small discount to encourage completion.

  • Re-engage with visual cues: A powerful way to lure customers back is by including images of the products they left behind in the cart. Visual reminders, with a callout, can reignite the initial interest.

4. Loyalty program specials

These programs are invaluable during the holiday season. They make your best customers feel appreciated and incentivized to continue shopping with you. These emails can feature exclusive offers, early access to sales, and unique rewards that motivate repeat business.

  • Offer holiday perks: Exclusive offers or early access sales for loyalty program members.

  • Credit reward points: Bonus points or rewards for shopping during the festive season.

5. Interactive content

Interactive content, such as polls and quizzes, engages recipients by inviting them to participate directly in the email. During the holiday shopping season, this content can drive higher engagement rates and provide valuable insights into customer preferences. 

  • Advent calendars: Offer a new deal or piece of content each day leading up to Christmas.

  • Holiday quizzes: Engage users with fun festive quizzes, like "Which Christmas character are you?"

15 tips and ideas for holiday email marketing campaigns

Let’s discuss the essential tips and innovative holiday email marketing ideas to make your holiday email marketing campaigns stand out. These strategies will help you engage your audience, boost conversions, and increase sales during the festive season.

1. Promote custom merchandise through print on demand

Spreading the word about custom merchandise through print on demand can be a game-changer for your holiday email marketing strategy. Leveraging print on demand allows your business to offer unique, personalized products without the burden of maintaining inventory. This approach reduces costs and adds an exclusive touch to your holiday promotions.

Imagine offering custom-designed mugs, t-shirts, or holiday ornaments that match your audience's festive spirit. Partnering with a platform like Gelato lets you quickly design, produce, and ship these items to customers, ensuring they receive high-quality products just in time for the holidays. 

To make the most out of this strategy, here are practical steps you can take: 

  • Highlight exclusivity: Mention that these custom items are limited edition and available only during the holiday season to create a sense of urgency.

  • Showcase designs: Use visually appealing images of your custom products in your emails to capture attention and drive interest.

  • Offer personalized options: Customers can add names or particular messages to their products, making them perfect for gifting.

  • Use testimonials: To build trust, include reviews or user-generated content from past customers who loved their custom products.

  • Incorporate calls to action: Encourage immediate purchases with clear, compelling CTAs like "Get your custom holiday mug now!"

Promoting custom merchandise through print on demand adds value to your email marketing strategy, connecting with your audience on a more personal level and driving holiday sales.

2. Segment your email list

One size doesn't fit all. This is especially true for a holiday email marketing campaign. By sending out tailored emails, complete with customer service contact details, instead of a generic holiday email template, you're delivering content that is more relevant and interesting. This can lead to higher open rates as recipients are more likely to engage with emails they find relevant.

A segmented list allows for personalized offers. For example, a customer who has previously shown interest in tech gadgets is more likely to convert when presented with a holiday deal on the latest electronics. Tailored offers mean you're meeting the recipient halfway, making the conversion journey smoother.

Tips for segmenting your list:

  • Geographic location: Tailor your campaigns based on where your subscribers are located. For instance, a winter wear promotion might not be suitable for subscribers in tropical regions. If you have a brick-and-mortar store, you could send special promotions to locals.

  • Previous purchase behavior: By understanding what your customers have bought in the past, you can make educated guesses about what they might be interested in next. For instance, if someone purchased baking tools last Christmas, they might be interested in gourmet baking ingredients this year.

3. Start your campaigns early

An early start to your holiday email campaigns sets the tone for a successful season. Planning gives you ample time to craft high-quality content, design stunning visuals, and fine-tune your campaigns based on initial performance data. Early preparation allows you to build anticipation and create a strategic roadmap to guide your efforts throughout the holidays.

Launching your campaigns ahead of time keeps you ahead of the competition. Many consumers begin their Christmas shopping as early as October. Getting into their inboxes first gives you a better chance of securing those early-bird purchases. Implementing these early strategies will help you hit the ground running: 

  • Set a campaign calendar: Outline key dates and plan your email sends to ensure consistent communication.

  • Pre-schedule emails: To avoid last-minute stresses, draft and schedule your emails in advance.

  • Segment early: Identify key customer segments and tailor your messaging to specific groups.

  • Offer sneak peeks: Share previews of upcoming sales or exclusive products to build anticipation.

By implementing these early strategies, you position your brand to engage your target audience better and maximize your holiday sales potential.

4. Create holiday email templates

Designing holiday email templates

Creating holiday email templates saves you time and ensures consistency across your campaigns. Start by selecting templates that capture the festive spirit with vibrant colors, holiday-themed images, and seasonal fonts. Consider using templates that are easy to customize so you can quickly adapt them to different promotions or messages. 

Once you have your templates ready, use them to maintain a cohesive brand identity. Plus, templates make it easy to ensure that every email meets your quality standards, regardless of who on your team is creating it. Here are some benefits: 

  • Time-saving: Set up your templates in advance to streamline the email creation process.

  • Brand identity: Reinforce your brand by consistently using colors, fonts, and imagery.

  • Quality control: Ensure a high standard across your email campaigns, reducing errors and inconsistencies.

5. Optimize for mobile devices

According to Techreport, around 85% of users access their emails via smartphones, so it's crucial that holiday email campaigns are mobile-friendly. Use single-column layouts, large fonts, and clear calls to action (CTAs) to enhance readability and engagement.

Another important aspect is optimizing your images and files for faster loading times, as this makes your emails more accessible and resonates with the eco-conscious consumer by reducing digital energy consumption. When you adopt a mobile-first design, prioritize:

  • Optimal image sizes: Use images that are 600 pixels wide and compress files to ensure quick loading times.

  • Minimalist design: Reduce clutter and focus on essential information to make your emails easy to navigate.

  • Test across devices: Ensure your email looks good and functions well on various devices and screen sizes.

6. Use a countdown timer

A countdown is a simple yet effective tool that leverages the psychological principle of scarcity, triggering the fear of missing out and encouraging quicker purchase decisions. 

Adding a countdown timer is straightforward and can be done through various email marketing platforms that offer built-in widgets or plugins. Ensure the timer is prominently displayed, preferably at the top of your email, so it's one of the first elements your readers notice. 

Here are some ways you can use countdown timers:

  • Instill a sense of urgency: Display the time left for a special sale or offer to create a sense of urgency. Doing this can lead to higher click-through rates and faster conversions.

  • Indicate looming deadlines: Use timers to highlight deadlines for promotions, last shipping dates, or limited-time offers. Clarity about deadlines helps customers plan their purchases better.

  • Use across limited-time campaigns: Employ countdown timers for flash sales, early bird offers, or end-of-season clearances. Their flexibility makes them valuable email marketing tools for multiple campaign types.

7. Personalize your emails

Personalizing your best holiday email campaigns can increase conversion rates. Personalized emails make your audience feel valued and understood, helping build loyal customer relationships while increasing the likelihood of recipients opening and interacting with your emails.

Implementing personalization is straightforward. Here are some actionable steps to personalizing your emails: 

  • Use customer names: Address your subscribers by their first names in the email subject line and body to create a sense of familiarity and relevance.

  • Segment your audience: Group your email list based on demographics, purchase history, and engagement levels. Doing this ensures that each segment receives content tailored to their preferences and needs.

  • Leverage purchase history: Offer personalized product recommendations based on what customers have bought previously or expressed interest in.

  • Send personalized offers: Create exclusive discounts and promotions targeted at specific segments of your audience to make them feel special.

  • Use dynamic content: Incorporate dynamic content blocks in your emails to show different messages or products to various audience segments.

By integrating these strategies, you can create a more engaging and effective holiday email marketing campaign that resonates with your audience and drives conversions.

8. Use engaging holiday email subject lines

First impressions matter! The subject line is the first thing your recipient sees when an email lands in their inbox. It sets the tone for what's inside and influences the decision to open or skip. A catchy subject line provokes curiosity or elicits an emotion, so make it snappy!

An effective subject line directly impacts your email's open rates. With the inundation of promotional emails, especially during the holiday season, standing out is crucial. A compelling subject line can mean the difference between your email being read or being lost amidst the sea of holiday promotions.

Here are some subject line ideas for the holiday season:

  • "Unwrap Your Exclusive Holiday Deal"

  • "Frosty the Sale-man is Here!"

  • "Make Your Holidays Sparkle: 20% Off Inside!"

  • "Ho-Ho-Hold the phone! Special Offer Just for You"

  • "Countdown to Christmas: Daily Deals Await!"

Make your subject lines more personal and appealing by incorporating the recipient's name or purchase behavior. For instance:

  • "Sarah, A Special Gift Awaits You This Season!"

  • "Loved Our Winter Boots? Here's a Festive Offer Just for You!"

9. Incorporate festive visuals and copy

Festive visuals in holiday email

For this marketing strategy, start by using high-quality, festive images that resonate with the specific holiday you're targeting. Think about bright colors, holiday icons (like snowflakes for winter or pumpkins for fall), and elements that invoke a sense of joy and celebration. 

Incorporate emotive language to create a connection. This is the season for joy and giving—your words should reflect that spirit. Here's what you should implement: 

  • Visuals and copy: Combine visuals with short, engaging copy that includes holiday greetings.

  • Custom illustrations and graphics: Utilize custom graphics or images to add a unique touch to your emails.

  • Brand alignment: Ensure your text and visuals align with your overall brand message and aesthetics.

10. Offer exclusive discounts and promotions

This duo creates a sense of urgency and exclusivity, encouraging customers to take immediate action. To implement this, identify the essential products or services that resonate most with your audience. Craft a compelling offer highlighting the limited-time availability and unique advantages of purchasing during the holiday season.

You can also segment your audience to provide personalized offers that appeal to different customer groups. Pair these promotions with engaging email subject lines and eye-catching visuals to capture attention. Ensure you announce these deals in advance to build anticipation and follow up with reminders as the promotion period winds down. Implement the following: 

  • Percentage discounts: Offer clear percentage savings on popular items to drive sales.

  • BOGO deals: Encourage higher purchase volumes with buy-one-get-one-free promotions.

  • Exclusive bundles: Create holiday-specific packages that offer unique combinations of your products.

  • Early access for loyal customers: Reward loyalty by granting early access to sales events.

  • Introductory offers for new customers: Attract first-time buyers with special welcome discounts.

11. Feature a holiday gift guide

This guide provides a curated selection of products, making shopping more accessible for your customers by showcasing items that suit different tastes and budgets. This will enable you to tailor your gift guide to meet each segment's needs and preferences. 

A structured approach helps customers find the perfect gift quickly, enhancing their shopping experience and increasing their chances of making a sale. Here are some essential tips to consider:

  • High-quality visuals: Use attractive images and engaging descriptions to make the products stand out.

  • Clear categories: Organize products by relevant categories to help customers easily find their needs.

  • Compelling CTAs: Include clear, action-oriented calls to action to encourage immediate purchases.

  • Incorporate price points: Showcase a range of budget options to appeal to all financial demographics.

12. Offer free shipping

Free shipping during the holiday season is a powerful strategy to boost conversions and attract customers. It reduces friction in the purchase process and provides a competitive edge in a crowded market. Implementing free shipping can be particularly effective during significant sale events like Black Friday and Cyber Monday when customers actively seek the best deals. 

Highlighting limited-time free shipping offers can create urgency and encourage quick decision-making. Here's how: 

  • Set minimum purchase thresholds: Customers must spend a certain amount to qualify for free shipping. Doing this incentivizes higher spending and helps protect profit margins.

  • Highlight offers in emails: Use attention-grabbing headlines and visuals to ensure customers know about the complimentary shipping offer. Mention it in subject lines and email banners.

  • Combine with promotions: Enhance the appeal by pairing free shipping with other holiday discounts or exclusive deals. 

  • Use countdown timers: Create a sense of urgency by adding countdown timers to your emails indicating when the free shipping offer will end.

13. Send a holiday thank you email

A simple thank you goes a long way when it comes to showing appreciation to your customers. These emails create goodwill and strengthen your relationship with your audience. A simple thank you can go a long way in creating loyal customers who are more likely to engage with your brand in the future. It’s not just about gratitude; it’s about showing that you value your customers and recognize their contribution to your business's success over the past year. 

When crafting your holiday thank you email, make it sincere and personalized. Use the recipient’s name and reference their purchases or interactions with your brand. Doing so adds a personal touch and makes your message more heartfelt. Here are some actionable tips to implement: 

  • Include a small gift or discount: A token of appreciation, like a discount code, can encourage future purchases and show you care.

  • Highlight loyalty milestones: Acknowledge any loyalty points or milestones they’ve reached, reinforcing their importance to your brand.

  • Offer exclusive early access: Giving your loyal customers early access to upcoming sales or new products can make them feel valued.

  • Include a call-to-action: A discount code or a link to your holiday catalog ensures a clear next step for the reader.

14. Plan for last-minute shoppers

Last-minute holiday shoppers email

Last-minute shoppers often make impulsive purchases, driven by a sense of urgency. Your emails must be highly appealing and action-oriented to cater to this group. Use urgent, impactful language and direct CTAs like "Order Now" or "Last-Minute Offer" to grab attention and drive immediate conversions. 

Emphasizing fast shipping options can ease worries about gifts arriving on time. Creating a sense of urgency and ease can boost your holiday sales. By planning for these shoppers, you capture additional revenue and build a reputation for being reliable during a time crunch. Here are some actionable tips to effectively target last-minute shoppers: 

  • Mobile optimization: Ensure your emails and checkout processes are mobile-friendly, allowing shoppers to make quick, on-the-go purchases.

  • Extended sales: Run extended sales to attract procrastinators and first-time shoppers, offering them more chances to buy even if they missed earlier promotions.

  • Use countdown timers: Incorporate vibrant countdown timers in your emails to leverage the fear of missing out and encourage immediate action.

15. Track key metrics

Every email campaign provides a learning opportunity. By diligently tracking metrics, you can determine what works and what doesn't for your audience. The holiday season is time-sensitive, and consumer behaviors can shift rapidly. With real-time tracking, email marketers can make on-the-fly adjustments to capitalize on emerging trends or rectify underperforming campaigns.

Key metrics to monitor include:

  • Open rates: This metric tells you how many recipients opened your email. It's a direct reflection of the effectiveness of your subject line and the overall anticipation or relevance of your email to the audience.

  • Click-through rates (CTR): Once your email is opened, the CTR indicates how many clicked on the links provided. A high CTR shows that your email content is compelling and that your call-to-action is effective.

  • Conversion rates: Arguably the most crucial metric, the conversion rate measures how many click-throughs resulted in the desired action, whether it's making a purchase, signing up for an event, or any other goal of the holiday campaign.

  • ROI (Return on investment): This is the bottom line for most marketers. ROI measures the profitability of your email campaigns. It takes into account the total revenue generated by the campaign against the costs incurred in running it.

Holiday email marketing examples from real brands

How successful brands execute their holiday email marketing can provide valuable insights for your campaigns. Here are a few notable examples: 

  • Starbucks: In 2023, Starbucks' #theredcupcontest generated widespread engagement by encouraging customers to share creative photos of their holiday-themed red cups on social media. The impact of this holiday email marketing example was notable, driving brand awareness and boosting sales. Key strategies included user-generated content, a strong visual theme, and the appeal of community-driven participation through social sharing. 

  • Amazon: Amazon's holiday emails showcased personalized gift recommendations based on past purchases. The clean, user-friendly design and clear CTAs made it easy for customers to browse and buy. They also included sections for last-minute deals and fast shipping options to cater to all holiday shoppers.

  • Spotify: Spotify's "Wrapped" campaign has become a holiday staple. In 2023, they continued with personalized year-in-review summaries for each user. Engaging visuals and shareable content encouraged users to interact with and share their summaries, amplifying word-of-mouth marketing.

  • Sephora: Sephora's email series featured holiday gift guides sorted by price range, making it easy for customers to find suitable gifts. The emails incorporated festive colors and exclusive member discounts, leveraging scarcity and loyalty to boost sales.

Examining these strategies through design or messaging can give you practical ideas for enhancing your holiday email campaigns in 2024.

Drive holiday sales with Gelato

The festive season is about giving, receiving, and creating cherished memories. Gelato's print on demand offerings elevate your holiday email marketing by transforming promises into delightful customer experiences with:

  • Custom products: Feature custom-made products tailored for your customers, like personalized calendars, mugs, stunning wall art, and unique apparel. Gelato offers limitless options to make your emails stand out. 

  • Local production: Gelato’s extensive network ensures products are produced closer to customers for faster shipping, guaranteeing timely delivery during the holiday rush. 

  • Memorable unboxing experiences: High-quality products and premium packaging make every unboxing moment share-worthy on social media. 

Gelato also offers attractive subscription plans that help businesses of all sizes seamlessly manage their print on demand needs. So, enhance your holiday campaigns by partnering with Gelato.

Sign up for Gelato today and deliver joy, one product at a time, this holiday season


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